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Telehealth and Telemedicine Billing Service

Empowering healthcare organizations to thrive. We streamline billing, maximize revenue, and ensure compliance. Our innovative solutions free you to focus on what matters most – your patients.

Simplify Telehealth Billing, Maximize Revenue with VYBES Solutions

Outsource your organizations Telemedicine Billing to Vybe for the easiest way to collect full reimbursement for the patients you treat remotely

Control Costs, Maximize Reimbursements

Vybe offers affordable and effective Telemedicine Billing Services

With tens of thousands of telehealth claims submitted and millions in telehealth charges collected for our clients, Vybe is your Revenue Cycle Partner to get your telehealth claims submitted correctly, paid to contract, and paid quickly.

Clean Claims, Faster Payments

Our experts ensure accurate telehealth claims for faster reimbursements.

Claims Handled for All Payers

We handle billing for Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurers.

Keep Focus on your Patients

Let us navigate ever-changing telehealth regulations so you can focus on delivering exceptional patient care.

Dedicated Telehealth Billing Team

Our team specializes in telehealth billing nuances, ensuring efficient processing and maximized revenue.

Smart Solutions, Customized for Your Growth

Telehealth and Telemedicine Billing Services

Billing for telemedicine and telehealth services has presented new challenges for healthcare organizations who were not providing remote care prior to COVID-19. Healthcare organizations and providers who weren’t providing telemedicine services pre-COVID were quick to adopt technologies that enabled telehealth care. For many of these groups, they have experienced difficulties actually collecting reimbursement for the remote care that they have provided. Leverage our telemedicine billing services to provide the care your patients demand and collect the reimbursement you’re owed. Request a quote using the form.

Get in touch

We are here to answer any question you may have. Feel free to reach via contact form.

#1777 Hamilton Ave. Suite 2270
San Jose CA 95125


Phone: +1 (516) 286-1191